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IT LIST | #3 accessories to combine with your CAMPOS' white shirt

It sound's very easy to wear your white shirt in a stylish way. And, good news, it's absolutely true. 



The white shirt works as a blank canvas, that you can paint (ergo, accessorize) as you feel like. 
Today, in a #SupportLocalBrands mood, we sellected 3 perfect accessories for you to get inspired to wear your CAMPOS' shirt (you can pick yours here).




MARIA GONDÔLA, La Petit Sardine | Yes, our first pick is a portuguese classic with a twist basket. It's so, so cool to wear a basket (mini, small, large: your pick) with a white shirt and denim (or, better, line!). It makes all days like a perfect Summer day.




DÁLIA, Juliana Bezerra | Our favorite accessorie to wear with white shirt is a pair of statement earrings. Always some Juliana Bezerra ones (as you can see in all our campaigns). This ones are a very special edition launched for Valentine's Day and they are so unique you can (and should) wear them all year long.



CROCO PRINT COGNAC, Lachoix | Yes, a pair of loafers with some type of animal pattern is ALWAYS a good idea. Can you imagine this pair with GABRIELLE shirt and an half-bun, kinda of messy style? Perfection. 



Shop here: Basket, Earrings and Loafers