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CAPSULE CLOSET | Do you really need to work on your closet?


We believe so. In a quarentine state of living, our suggestion is for you to clean up your closet.


And we suggest not only the "clean" part, but also to transform your closet into all you ever wanted. It's easier than it sounds, all you need is some time and the right tips to follow.


Why? Do you know that feeling to wake up in  hurry and stare for infinite time to your closet and really don't feel like wearing anything? So you end up wearing the same thing over and over again. This happens, probably, because you are surrounded by (too) many things, especially ones that don't real mean anything to you.


Enjoy the quarentine to do a REAL cleaning to your closet. Follow the tips:


1. Take it all off. Yes, all hangers, all drawers - everything.


2. Don't freak out: put on your favorite playlist and let's get to work.


3. Be real to yourself. It's time to be ruthless: the only question you need to do is "do i ever wear this? Like, really wear?" If not, you know what to do.


4. Organize it well: after both types of cleaning it's time to rearrange it all. Try new ways to organize your clothes - pay special atention to the visibility of all pieces that remain in your closet, after all, if you choosed them, it's because they are meant to be seen everyday (and worn A LOT).